Friday, 21 June 2019

Shattered pieces of a broken heart

I’m not a man of many words,
When it comes to hearts and feelings,
But I do mean it when I say I love you,
And that’s all you need to believe in.

There were times when I didn’t know better,
I questioned what were we,
Who was I to you,
And what I meant to you

It wasn’t a good place to be in,
Not knowing where I stood,
Each feeling and each heartache,
Depended on the current mood

When I said I wanted to leave,
It wasn’t because I planned to,
But because I had to,
I was almost insane by staying with you

All I wanted was for you to say
“Don’t leave”
Or “let’s work this out”,
But instead you let me go freely,
And said you had no right to stop me,
But the truth was I permit you every right to stop me.
Always had. Always will.
If there was anyone who had  power over me,
It was you.

But you didn’t stop me when you could.
And that shattered whatever pieces of a broken heart I had left. 

1 comment:

  1. Reminded me of myself for not trying harder. But oh well. Dah berlaku. Still menyesal. But tah
